Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Ambulance Chronicles
:: Welcome to My Life. Just look around, read some stuff, or laugh in mockery at me.
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[::Get to know me::]
::I'm an EMT, and I work on an ambulance. I'm aspiring to be a paramedic someday, but I might go for the MD also.
::Anne is my silly goose and we have been married for four and a half years. Time flies when you fight wars.
::God is so amazing. He's done so much in my life lately. Just read to the right.
::I am a former driver's ed student and I'm probably that kid that your family talks about almost hitting them.
[::My weather::]
[::Listening to::]
::my IPOD
[::My favorite sites::]
::Annikin's online journal
::SGT Dub's blog
::Task Force Warrior
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::How Stuff Works
::Christian guitar
::Christian happenings
[::..Feeling nostalgic?..::]
[::My contact info::]
::My email
Email Me!!!

:: Monday, January 24, 2005 ::

Yeah, okay, so its been another week or so. What can I say? I'm busy. I have a wife now that I like to spend time with, a (supposed to be) 40 hour a week job, a youth ministry to look after, drills to attend, and now I have school once again. May not sound like a lot, but it is. Mainly Annikins. I devote a lot of my time to her. And you better believe I'm not complaining. She is a blessing from God and I'm not going to let the time we have together slip away. Even if we do live happily ever after for 8o years or so. I'm not wasting any time.

But anyway, all this stuff to do and not so much to post about. I've been thinking more and more lately about BCT and AIT and how much it sucked, but moreover, how much I have learned from it. I have learned so much from those nine little weeks. Of course, they weren't little when I was experiencing them, but now looking back, they went by fast. And I had some fun. In between the yellings and the smokings. Joking around with my buddies, enjoying a nap once and again in my wall locker. The crazy devotions I had. You know, I was closer to God in that atmosphere than being back at home.

Only because I relied on him for everything. But still! I should rely on him for everything now, home or not. I can't handle anything, and of course, being back home I pick up my old habits and try to do everything on my own. Wrong answer, soldier. I just need to rely on God more. "You are only as close to God as you intensely desire to be."

Well, I'm still at work and I have to go run a few errands before I go home and get ready for American Federal Government tonight. I'll type some more in a week or so I guess.

Gott is gut. Alle der zeit.

:: Ben 4:32 PM [+] ::
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