Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Ambulance Chronicles
:: Welcome to My Life. Just look around, read some stuff, or laugh in mockery at me.
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[::Get to know me::]
::I'm an EMT, and I work on an ambulance. I'm aspiring to be a paramedic someday, but I might go for the MD also.
::Anne is my silly goose and we have been married for four and a half years. Time flies when you fight wars.
::God is so amazing. He's done so much in my life lately. Just read to the right.
::I am a former driver's ed student and I'm probably that kid that your family talks about almost hitting them.
[::My weather::]
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::Annikin's online journal
::SGT Dub's blog
::Task Force Warrior
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[::..Feeling nostalgic?..::]
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Email Me!!!

:: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 ::

Another chilly day in Afghanistan

That's really about it. Today was better than yesterday when I had a connex stolen. Of course, it wasn't stolen and I recovered my $600,000 of equipment. However, the situation isn't resolved. The lieutenant that caused all the scuffle still got his way after whining and griping long enough.

Proof positive that all you have to do is whine long enough and things go your way. That, or you just go and do what you want and claim stupidity. This guy chose both.

Tomorrow looks to be another cold and dull day here in Afghanistan. But the dull days make for the best, right? They may seem to drum on for what seems an eternity, but its better than running and ducking from bullets and bombs. Which, surprisingly enough, is what war really is, not our situation here on Camp Phoenix (or so the command thinks).

Wow, I should go to bed and stop being so moody.

God is good. All the time.

:: Ben 11:37 AM [+] ::
is ok sweety :-* i love you :)
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