Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Ambulance Chronicles
:: Welcome to My Life. Just look around, read some stuff, or laugh in mockery at me.
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[::Get to know me::]
::I'm an EMT, and I work on an ambulance. I'm aspiring to be a paramedic someday, but I might go for the MD also.
::Anne is my silly goose and we have been married for four and a half years. Time flies when you fight wars.
::God is so amazing. He's done so much in my life lately. Just read to the right.
::I am a former driver's ed student and I'm probably that kid that your family talks about almost hitting them.
[::My weather::]
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::Annikin's online journal
::SGT Dub's blog
::Task Force Warrior
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::How Stuff Works
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[::..Feeling nostalgic?..::]
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Email Me!!!

:: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 ::

Kabul bombing thwarted as Gates visits

Kabul, Afghanistan -- NATO-led troops thwarted a bombing at their base in Kabul on Tuesday after a man with an explosive-laden car attempted to enter inside, an alliance spokeswoman said.

The bomber was arrested and NATO ordnance experts destroyed the vehicle outside the base, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of alliance rules. No further details were available.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates was meeting Tuesday with U.S. commanders and Afghan Officials in central Kabul. The site of the foiled bombing in eastern Kabul was several miles away.



By NATO-led troops, they must mean hard charging, patriotic American soldiers.

By thwarted they mean beat the living crap out of some retarded Pakistani too chicken to blow himself up.

By their base they mean the American Camp Phoenix.

By explosive laden car, they mean a Carolla crammed full with enough artillery shells to level a medium city in World War II.

By attempted they mean attempted; that high speed martyr wannabe didn't get past the gate.

By arrested they mean wailed on and drug to a security room where I'm sure more beating ensued.

By destroyed they mean obliterated the vehicle into a million pieces that rained down on Camp Phoenix.

By outside the base, they mean at the front gate, or what was the front gate.

By no further details, they meant they had no idea what they were putting into the article because they weren't there or anywhere nearby. They were showering Gates with camera flashes and microphones.

The general thought bubble around Camp Phoenix this afternoon was, "Are we at war? Can't be! Noone put out a memo or powerpoint slide saying we were at war!"

Of course, this all caused a cascade effect of events throughout the day. Needless to say, its midnight and I just got back from parading around camp trying to find tents, extension cords, lights, and anything else I could scrounge out of the connex yard. Luckily, I was with a high speed SSG and his posse of specialists. At one point we had a tent draped over a Ford Ranger, driving around post with our arms out the window hanging on the sucker making sure it didn't fall off. That was some good stuff.

Good thing I go on leave in [OPSEC] days. Speaking of, all you back in the real world better be preparing for me to come home. I expect lots of eating and partying for two weeks. Trust me, I've got the stories to entertain. Ask SGT Dub.

God is good. All the time.

:: Ben 1:18 PM [+] ::
So glad you're ok! Mom woke me up this morning to tell me about it; surprisingly, she didn't sob until later.

See you in you know how many days!
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