Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Ambulance Chronicles
:: Welcome to My Life. Just look around, read some stuff, or laugh in mockery at me.
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[::Get to know me::]
::I'm an EMT, and I work on an ambulance. I'm aspiring to be a paramedic someday, but I might go for the MD also.
::Anne is my silly goose and we have been married for four and a half years. Time flies when you fight wars.
::God is so amazing. He's done so much in my life lately. Just read to the right.
::I am a former driver's ed student and I'm probably that kid that your family talks about almost hitting them.
[::My weather::]
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::Annikin's online journal
::SGT Dub's blog
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[::..Feeling nostalgic?..::]
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Email Me!!!

:: Monday, July 07, 2008 ::

So much more

I just feel so bad for rushing through three weeks in one crappy post. There is so much more to talk about. Like how horribly bad my bus ride really was but I still consider it an option because its so cheap. And how I pushed through the last few hours of my trip practically on a full flow of coke intravenously. I mean, I have done a lot of travelling and travel stories are always entertaining.

I mean, I fell asleep on the subway that early morning and missed my stop by a half hour. So then I had to go a half hour back meaning I lost a precious hour of time. Thankfully no one messed with me. I also didn't get to post about the lightning that burned my retinas or my two hours of sleep in a roadside gas station. Apparently I'm an expert flyer now and I actually have travelled through 15 states in the last week.

Who can forget my three hour journey out of New York City, to include my hour search for a parking space / ATM machine because I expected my trip across Toll heaven to cost about 20 dollars. Total cost to leave New York City: $1.15. No lie. I was very angry. Thankfully the worst traffic was on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and after that I sailed through my trip.

I also forgot to post about the crazy lady that was running out of gas on the highway in Tulsa, the built in flat screen TV that my brother-in-law about crapped his pants about, and the mile long security line at the airport. And who can forget the crazy TSA woman that chose at will who were expert travellers and who weren't. Go figure, huh?

Yeah, let's just alienate every OTHER passenger and that way we might maintain enough business to pay our CEOs a million dollars.

I hate flying.

Well, time to board the plane. I'm sorry I'm so lazy. I guess I should post more in honor of my grandfather. We'll see.

God is good. All the time.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

:: Ben 7:58 AM [+] ::
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